Pedersen, Jan B. W., H. P. Lovecraft: Midnight Studies (Oxford: Peter Lang Publishers, 2024).
Pedersen, Jan B. W., Balanced Wonder: Experiential Sources of Imagination, Virtue and Human Flourishing, (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019).
Book chapters
Pedersen, Jan B. W., ‘Etik & Patientinddragelse’, Etik i Sygeplejen’, Lisbeth Aaskov Falch & Benjamin Bøgeskov eds., (Copenhagen: FADL’s forlag, 2022).
llkjær I. & Pedersen, Jan. B. W., ‘Værdier, etik og moral i sygepleje’, Sygepleje, patientinvolvering, bind 3, Steen Hundborg ed., (Copenhagen: FADL’S Forlag 2019).
Edward William Cocks - Balloon Over Cliffs.
Essays and articles
Schinkel, A., Wolbert, L., Pedersen, J. B. W., de Ruyter, ‘Human Flourishing, Wonder, and Education’, Studies in Philosophy and Education, (Springer 2022).
Pedersen, Jan B. W., ‘Lovecraft’s Garden: Heart’s Blood at the Root”, Lovecraft Annual No. 16, (New York: Hippocampus Press, 2022).
Pedersen, Jan. B. W., ‘You haven’t Done Anything’, Hippocampus 2020/21, (Durham: Trevelyan College, Durham University, 2021).
Pedersen, Jan. B. W., ‘Now will you be good: Lovecraft, Teetotalism & Philosophy’, Lovecraft Annual No. 13, (New York: Hippocampus Press, 2019).
Pedersen, Jan. B. W., ‘Howard Phillips Lovecraft: Romantic on the Nightside’, Lovecraft Annual No. 12, (New York: Hippocampus Press, 2018).
Pedersen, Jan. B. W., ‘On Lovecraft's Life-long Relationship with Wonder’, Lovecraft Annual No. 11, (New York: Hippocampus Press, 2017).
Walker J. W. P., Clinnick D. T. G., Pedersen, J. B. W., ‘As Clear as the Hand in Front of Your Face’ Rock Articles, Issue No. 17, 2017.)
Walker J. W. P., Clinnick D. T. G., Pedersen, J. B. W., ‘The Universality of Profiled Hands in Paleolithic Art’, World Art. 2016).